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New Sixth Form Centre and Library Announced for September 2018

We are delighted to announce that the new term in September will see a new Sixth Form Centre and Senior Library.

Plans have been approved and work will commence very shortly to swap the locations of the Senior LRC and the Sixth Form Study Room to create a bespoke Sixth Form Centre and new LRC.

The current Storey Building, which houses the Sixth Form Common Room and LRC, will be refurbished so that the top floor becomes a state-of-the-art Study Room, with student meeting room and office for the Director of Sixth Form. 

Sixth Form Work Room











There will be space for collaborative working and meetings as well as space for private study, designed to encourage quiet individual working, with computers and Wi-Fi access throughout.

Meanwhile, the LRC will move into the current Study Room in Belgion House and space will also be created for a bespoke After Care facility in part of it.

New Library layout










This area will provide

  • space to accommodate classes;
  • space for the Fiction, non-Fiction and Reference books currently stored within the SLRC
  • computing area with Wi-Fi access throughout
  • space for collaborative working
  • space for reading - both formal and informal

See this week's Download for full details and more images


  • ISC
  • nace
  • woodard
  • heads
  • plp
  • Careers