Stay in touch with the Alumni Group
As a member of The Peterborough School Alumni, Westwoodians' Association, we like to keep you informed of our news and make you aware of events and activities that are taking place and which may be of interest to you. However, we need to have your explicit consent ('opt in') before we can contact you. The attached Privacy Notice explains who we are, what data we collect, what we do with it and your rights under GDPR.
We would love to hear your news so we can share it with other members of The Peterborough School Alumni and it is important that you tell us if you have moved or changed your name/details.
If you have been out of touch with us and would now like to be, or if you would like to update your details, please complete the Alumni Update & Consent Form, here and below.
If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to email or call 01733 343357