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Parent Teacher Guild

The school works in partnership with parents.  This is principally achieved by working closely with individual parents to ensure that children fulfil their potential and that they are happy.  Parents have opportunities to discuss children's progress at formal and informal meetings with teachers throughout the school year and they are always welcome to make appointments to see tutors, subject teachers, or members of the Senior Leadership Team.

Parents also wish to group together to contribute to the development of the school; the PTG provides this opportunity.  A very lively and active group of mothers, fathers and teachers, it essentially has four main functions:-

  • Fundraising for specific projects to help improve the school.

  • Organising social events.

  • Acting as a forum for discussion between parents and the Senior Leadership Team.

  • Operating the School Uniform (second-hand) Shop.

A committee made up of elected Year group representatives runs the PTG but many parents participate with enjoyment in its varied and successful activities.

For further information about the PTG, joining the Committee or volunteering your services, please contact the PTG Chairman here or via the school Office.

Uniform Shop

Parents may bring items of school uniform which are no longer needed, knowing that donations will help support both the School and fellow parents.  All proceeds go straight to support the School for capital projects, importantly contributing to improve the educational setting and equipment available at The Peterborough School.

We take all items of uniform and sporting equipment.  All donations are gratefully appreciated and add up to make a real difference.  Good quality items are sold at very reasonable prices and worn out items are recycled.

Donations made over the past year have contributed to the PTG giving £20,000 towards upgrading and relocating the Senior Library and Sixth Form area.  Many other large and not-so-large donations have been given to the School over recent years which would not have been possible without the support of parents.

The Uniform Shop is open most weeks during term time on Friday afternoons and is located in the office attached to the Old Gym.  Please contact the School Office for dates and times. 

  • ISC
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  • woodard
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  • Careers